Here Are 8 Things You Need to Know to Win up to $10,000 Contest
What would you do with $10,000? Go on vacation, pay some bills? It's the 10,000 Stimulus and it's your chance to win not only $1,000 twice a day each weekday but a chance at the grand prize of $10,000! Here are 8 things you need to know to help your chances in winning cash!
Are you ready?
1. Download our App! It's free and you can get it anywhere you get your favorite app.
2. Be sure to sign in to our App. Usually, once you sign in with your email and password your phone should keep you signed in. Even if it doesn't your phone should at least save that information so all you have to do is put the cursor on the email box and your email should pop up and your password should too.
3. Listen to us through the App by clicking on "Listen Live"
4. Then listen for the "Code Word" at the top of the hour every hour from 8AM to 5PM. You'll know it when you hear it because we will say the word, spell the word, then say it again!
5. Once you hear the Code Word open the App or go to the front page of the App and click on "Win Cash"
6. If you are not logged in to the App, This is when you will know because it will either go directly to the Contest Page or it will ask you to log in.
7. Once you are in and on the Contest Page, just scroll down the page to the current date. Only the current day's boxes will be open others will all be locked.
Then enter the word in the correct box. Remember there are 10 codewords each weekday so put the correct word in the correct box! Then hit 'I'm Done".
8 Sit back and wait for the next Code Word the next hour! Remember the more times you play the better chance you have to win up to $10,000! Good Luck!!
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