City of Texarkana, Texas
City of Texarkana, Texas

Looking for a new career? The City of Texarkana, Texas is now hiring and they have quite a few job openings available from Animal Control Warden to Data Entry Clerk, Firefighter and more. 

There are eight vacancies right now. Be sure to click on the title of the job for a full description of the position, education requirements and benefits.

Aminal Control Warden - paying between $25,602.00 to $32,130.00 annually

Data Entry Clerk -  with a salary of $26,698.50 annually.

Firefighter - with a pay of $38,643.00 to $45,827.00 annually.

Laborer -  paying $22,848.00 annually.

Public Safety 911 Call Taker -  with a pay of $30,650.00 annually.

Public Safety Dispatcher - paying $33,000.00 annually.

Records Specialist -  paying $24,684.00 annually.

You can apply online at 

The City of Texarkana, Texas provides three weeks of vacation and three weeks of sick leave per year as well as 12 paid holidays per year.

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