I had to get out this morning and go check on things at the stations, so after I finished that, I thought I would hit a few spots around town a grab some photos of Snow Day 2024.
Do you have a piece of carpet lying around the house or in your garage? How about a small shovel? Then you might be able to get your vehicle out of a "stuck-in-the-snow" situation, all by yourself. Let's dig in Ark-La-Tex.
Well, Arkansas didn't receive a White Christmas this year but things are looking possible for snow in parts of Arkansas to kick off the first full weekend of January.
As it gets closer to Christmas Day we all dream of a white Christmas but in the state of Arkansas such an occurrence is rare but you can never rule out the possibility.
Almost one year ago, remember Snowmageddon 2021? Guess what's coming this week? Your planning forecast currently has a 60% chance of rain, freezing rain and snow for Thursday, along with some bitterly cold temperatures in the Texarkana area. Let's check out the week.
More than $73.3 million in FEMA assistance has been approved for survivors in Texas after the federal government declared the state a disaster area February 19.
With more snow today that means we all might be looking for something else to do with this snow. We've all made the snowmen, some have made the snow angels and have had snowball fights, but now what? Snow Ice Cream!
The weather has been brutal this week with record-breaking snowfall and temperatures across much of the area with more on the way. So, it's not surprising that a very rare weather phenomenon would occur aptly named "Snownado."
So, Texarkana finally got some snow not a light dusting but a real snowfall. Many reports are saying we received anywhere between 6-8 inches depending on where you live. Now it's time for kids to have a little fun. Did you know there are several other snow activities that you can do besides building a snowman?