Time Change This Weekend – Fall Back to Standard Time
This weekend the clocks go back to Standard Time, making the evenings darker earlier. The good thing is if you were really upset about Daylight Savings Time back in the spring you can relax because this weekend you get that hour back.
Personally, I'm not a fan of standard time. It's just too dang dark and with cooler temperatures, I just want to hibernate! But at least the mornings will be bright earlier for the kids going to school.
So remember this weekend to set your clock back one hour. Remember the saying Fall Back, Spring Forward?
Do you like going back and forth with the time changes? I love Daylight Savings Time but going back to Standard...not so much!
This weekend is a good time to make sure all your smoke alarms in the house are working, in fact, go ahead and put fresh batteries in the alarms because you really can never be too careful!