
Today, Mattel finally unveiled the final member of its Barbie-fied DC Trinity. Now Superman can partner up with Batman and Wonder Woman for all kinds of outrageous fashion adventures. Will Darkseid's attack close down the mall and prevent Clark from buying a new flannel shirt? Will Batman finally muster up enough courage to ask Wonder Woman to the Spring Fling? Can the T-birds finally take the Scorpions out on Thunder Road? For a mass-market figure, the Henry Cavill Ken doll head isn't all that bad. It's got those piercing blue eyes; the thick, expressive eyebrows; the cleft chin and strong jawline; it even looks as if he's silently judging you for having your doubts about the DC Cinematic Universe. Or maybe he's just giving you stone cold Blue Steel right in the kisser. Look out Zoolander, Kal-el is coming for you.
If there’s one thing we’ve learned from our years on the Internet, it’s that there’s no aspect of comics that can’t be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of five or ten. And since there’s no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we’re taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Five lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. As we all know, comics, and especially superhero comics, are gratuitously violent slugfests that corrupt the morals of children by telling them that we can solve all our problems with our fists and/or lasers. As such, there have been literally tens of thousands of punches thrown across the history of the superhero, and what I have done here is diligently scoured and subsequently rated each one on a 100-point scale so that I might objectively rate the five very best, rather than just writing about five different punches that seemed especially notable to me at the time I was composing this script, which I definitely did not do. No sir.
The Top Ten Worst Haircuts In Superhero Comics
The Top Ten Worst Haircuts In Superhero Comics
The Top Ten Worst Haircuts In Superhero Comics
If there's one thing we've learned from our years on the Internet, it's that there's no aspect of comics that can't be broken down and quantified in a single definitive list, preferably in amounts of ten. And since there's no more definitive authority than ComicsAlliance, we're taking it upon ourselves to compile Top Ten Lists of everything you could ever want to know about comics. This week, we're taking a look back on the many mullets bowl-cuts and other assorted disasters with the ten worst haircuts in superhero comic history!
Superman and Lois Lane Take the Ice Bucket Challenge on the ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Set
Superman and Lois Lane Take the Ice Bucket Challenge on the ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Set
Superman and Lois Lane Take the Ice Bucket Challenge on the ‘Batman vs. Superman’ Set
Just when you think you're officially over the whole ALS Ice Bucket Challenge thing, Amy Adams and Henry Cavill go ahead and do one from the set of 'Batman vs. Superman.' And they do it in costume, too. Yes, this may be your one and only opportunity to watch people pour buckets of ice water on Superman's head.
Awesome Alternate ‘Gravity’ Scene Makes The Movie Even More Super [Video]
Awesome Alternate ‘Gravity’ Scene Makes The Movie Even More Super [Video]
Awesome Alternate ‘Gravity’ Scene Makes The Movie Even More Super [Video]
  I've seen a lot of movies with alternate endings over the years -- like the depressing original finish to Army of Darkness or that bonkers version of Die Hard With a Vengeance where John McClane spins an actual rocket launcher around on a table while riddling Jeremy Irons -- and to be honest, I usually don't think they add much to the film. They're an interesting look into an alternate universe,

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