Arkansas Fatal Crash Leads to Multiple Charges of Honduran Man
Arkansas Fatal Crash Leads to Multiple Charges of Honduran Man
Arkansas Fatal Crash Leads to Multiple Charges of Honduran Man
On Monday, September 9, 2024, Arkansas State Police (ASP) arrested Maynor Yair Sorto-Herrera, 30, in connection with a fatal car wreck that occurred the previous morning near 10800 Arch Street in Little Rock, Arkansas. The crash claimed the life of Jennifer Ann Morton, 48, of Little Rock. All charges against Sorto-Herrera are allegations, and he remains innocent until proven guilty in a court of l
Arkansas Is 28th On This List And That’s A Good Thing
Arkansas Is 28th On This List And That’s A Good Thing
Arkansas Is 28th On This List And That’s A Good Thing
Arkansas falls low on lists for a lot of things. It is 49th in health care,  48 on crime and corrections, 41 on the economy, and 41 in education. But it is 28th on this list and it is actually a good thing.
A Texarkana woman was arrested overnight by Texas side police for allegedly Driving While Intoxicated after she is accused of driving her van on railroad tracks.
Drunk Driver Kills Four People and Gets Probation Because He Was Wealthy and Did Not Know Better [VIDEO]
Drunk Driver Kills Four People and Gets Probation Because He Was Wealthy and Did Not Know Better [VIDEO]
Drunk Driver Kills Four People and Gets Probation Because He Was Wealthy and Did Not Know Better [VIDEO]
All over the internet people are getting more and more enraged as the story of a drunk driver in Keller Texas getting off with probation in the deaths of four innocent people because he suffers from "Affluenza" which is a churched up way of saying "Spoiled Rich Brat!
Man Blames 7th DUI On Elephant
Man Blames 7th DUI On Elephant
Man Blames 7th DUI On Elephant
There are many reasons why you shouldn't drive impaired. Especially because, in your altered state, you will make ridiculous excuses for your crime upon being confronted with it. You'll do something like blame it on circus animals.