Sunny Weather Will Help Red River Recede Faster Than Anticipated
The recent turn to drier weather may actually help the Red River flooding recede a little quicker than forecasters first thought.While it likely will be mid next week before the flooding goes down appreciably, hopefully the situation will begin to stabilize quicker because the rains have ended and the sunshine and temperatures are increasing.
Here is the latest public information statement on the Red River from the National Weather Service in Shreveport:
Flooding very similar to that of May of 1990 occurring on the Red River through the first ten days of June... ...Latest Red River stages and forecast crest information... The 8 p.m. Tuesday stage on the Red River near DeKalb Texas at
Pecan Point was 34.51 feet. The river has crested and should continue a very slow fall through the remainder of the week. Flood Stage near Dekalb is 24 feet. The 8 pm Tuesday stage on the Red River at Index Arkansas North of Texarkana was 31.07 feet. The river is near a flat crest OF 31.2 feet and should remain near that level through the week. Flood
Stage at Index is 25 feet . The 8 p.m. Tuesday stage on the Red River at Fulton, Arkansas was 30.89 feet. The river will rise and crest near 32 feet by June 4th. Flood stage at Fulton is 27 feet. The 730 p.m Tuesday stage on the Red River at the Spring Bank Ferryin Southwest Arkansas was 40.89 feet. The Red River will rise and
crest near 42.5 Feet By June 5TH. Flood stage is 37 feet. The 8 PM Tuesday stage on the Red River at Shreveport, Louisiana
was 32.66 feet. The river will rise and crest near 34 feet by JUNE 6th. Flood stage at Shreveport is 30 Feet. The 8 pm Tuesday stage on the Red River at Coushatta, Louisiana was34.55 feet. The river is expected to rise and crest near 36.5 feet by June 7th. Flood stage at Coushatta is 31 feet. The 730 p.m. Tuesday stage on the Red River at Grand Ecore
Louisiana was 37.38 feet The Red River will rise and crest near 40.5 feet by June 8th. Flood stage at Grand Ecore is 33 feet.
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