Make A Face Mask – Here Are The Easiest Sew and No-Sew Options
Now the CDC recommends us all to wear a face mask if we are in public. To sew or not to sew is the question. Actually there are some great tutorial videos out there.
Over the weekend I decided to get my sewing machine out after going through a ka-billion video and I found the easiest patterns to work with. You can also sew these by hand if you want. My sweet cat Izzy helped too.
Izzy had to inspect my first two masks for quality control.
Below is the popular pleated mask with a filter pocket and nose guard to get a better fit.
This is the one I used with some scraps of fabric at my house. Elastic is hard to find now so you gotta get creative and use stretchy hair bands and hearties. I also robbed a fitted sheet of it's elastic as well.
No elastic? How about making the straps from an old t-shirt? Check out the video below. I plan on making a few masks this way as well.
But if you don't sew there are options as well. The EASIEST face mask to make is this one below using a scarf, bandana or cloth dinner napkin and a couple of hair bands.

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