We all do it, go a little over the speed limit at times, and fudged just a bit on when that traffic light turned red, were you really more than halfway through the intersection? Probably not, if you were able to see it turn red, then chances are the answer is, no.

I'll be the first to admit that I'm kind of a fuddy-duddy when it comes to driving. I pretty much stick to the speed limit, use my blinkers, and loathe those that do not. My dad used to say "Some people drive like they own their cars", but nowadays that seems to be "most people" as I see more and more craziness on the roadways. And you know they don't own those cars, there's no way!

Traveling as much as I do to see mom, daughter and son-in-law, and my grandbaby down near Houston, I don't see that much crazy stuff on the highways, it's when I get into the major cities that unbelievable stupidity rears its ugly head.

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I wonder if this is one of those things that AI can fix for us? No one wants the intrusions of our vehicles spying on us, but it's happening already. The only question is, how far will it go?

Do me and my grandchildren a favor, slow down, and pay attention to your driving. It's far more important to arrive alive than to be late... forever.

Let's take a look at the Top 10 Driving Violations in the Great State of Texas.

Top 10 Driving Violations for Texas

Here is a look at the most common driving violations in Texas.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

Feds Warn All of Texas Not to Put These 12 Things in Your Wallet

There's lots of personal information that is carried around in our wallets on a daily basis that can easily be stolen. Learn what not to carry in your wallet or purse.

Gallery Credit: unsplash.com, Getty Images

The Most Dangerous Truck Stops In Texas Right Now

According to a viral post on Reddit, there are several truck stops you'll want to avoid no matter how bad you need to pee-pee.