
5 Years Since My Best Photo Ever, and My Greatest Adventure
5 Years Since My Best Photo Ever, and My Greatest Adventure
5 Years Since My Best Photo Ever, and My Greatest Adventure
I cannot believe it's been 5 years this week since my son Tyler and I along with our friends and the Scouts of Texarkana's Crew 3 went on our "Epic Western Expedition," a 9-day trek across the Southwest United States that checked off a bunch of items on my personal bucket list and allowed me to take what could be the best picture of my life, so far.
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
Did You Know Texarkana Broke A Heat Record Yesterday?
So many folks are seriously concerned about climate change these days that it's enough to make you sweat bullets before the real heat even gets here. Maybe you didn't notice how hot it was yesterday? Did you know we broke a record for the heat on Tuesday, May 7? We did.
2024 Fouke Monster Festival Was Some-Kind Of Squatchy Fun
2024 Fouke Monster Festival Was Some-Kind Of Squatchy Fun
2024 Fouke Monster Festival Was Some-Kind Of Squatchy Fun
Do you watch those Bigfoot shows on TV, follow the Bigfoot social media channels, or maybe watch video clips on YouTube? Does the idea of hunting cryptids give you the willies, in a good way? If the answer was yes to any of these questions, and you didn't go to last weekend's Fouke Monster Festival, then maybe you should make the effort next time. It was pretty cool.
Is This The Most Beautiful Small Concert Venue in Texas?
Is This The Most Beautiful Small Concert Venue in Texas?
Is This The Most Beautiful Small Concert Venue in Texas?
Have you ever heard of Round Top, Texas? Most people have not, but back in February my nephew, Will Lynde, hosted and performed at a venue there I can only describe as magical. It's called the Round Top Festival Institute, and lucky you, I took pictures.
Wagons For Veterans 2024 In Texarkana - In Photos
Wagons For Veterans 2024 In Texarkana - In Photos
Wagons For Veterans 2024 In Texarkana - In Photos
I had to work for a bit on Saturday so I wasn't able to make it right when the gates opened but about an hour later I arrived at the Wagons for Veterans 2024 fundraising event at the Four States Fairgrounds. Happily, there was still plenty of that delicious open fire and steel pot/Dutch oven food left to fill me up. Man, was it ever good.

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