Free Child Car Seat Safety Event This Thursday
Children are our future and we need to keep them safe. If you have a child then you have a safety car seat for them, but do you know if you are using it correctly?
If you're not using the car seat correctly or it's not install right that could make for a horrible situation if you were in a car accident. It would also dangerous in a situation where you might have to stop your vehicle quickly.
On Thursday, May 11 you can find out if you are using your child's car seat correctly according
Join the Texarkana Arkansas Police along with the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana Thursday May 11 from 12PM to 7PM at the CVS parking lot at 3908 North Stateline.
There will be car safety tips and experts can check to make sure your child's car seat is installed properly. It's a free event and there will be some activities for kids as well. Call (870) 331-2443 for more information.
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