
The Beautiful Beaches of North Carolina - Jim's Vacay With Mom
The Beautiful Beaches of North Carolina - Jim's Vacay With Mom
The Beautiful Beaches of North Carolina - Jim's Vacay With Mom
Let me start off by saying I am a good son... It's not that I think I'm a good son, I know it. So, here's the story; My mom's best friend since college is named Sue, I have known Sue and her kids since I was a kid. I also haven't seen her kids since I was a teenager, you could say it's been a while.
Craziest Street Name I’ve Ever Heard Is In Arkansas
Craziest Street Name I’ve Ever Heard Is In Arkansas
Craziest Street Name I’ve Ever Heard Is In Arkansas
Just like every other community, we have a bunch of what you might call "normal" street names in Texarkana -- Texas Boulevard, Arkansas Boulevard, State Line Avenue, Broad Street, 2nd, 3rd, and so on. But if you're looking around for an odd one, lots of people know this one.
10 Things You Didn’t Know Came From Texas
10 Things You Didn’t Know Came From Texas
10 Things You Didn’t Know Came From Texas
There are of course many things made in the great State of Texas, from Texas Instruments to oil and gas production, cowboy hats and boots to beans and beer. Texas boasts a lot of manufactured goods that people all over the US enjoy and all over the world for that matter. But for this article we thought we might chase down a few things you maybe didn't know came from Texas.
Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Is Wednesday Night
Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Is Wednesday Night
Perseid Meteor Shower Peak Is Wednesday Night
Two things you can always count on in August, it's hot and the Perseid Meteor Shower.  The nice thing is there are no worries about masks or social distancing. Just step outside, chew off a piece of air, relax and watch the shooting stars. One of the great things about his year is the moon should only be about 5% full, known as a "Waxing Cresent Moon" and will set at 10:21 PM, which mean
Anti-Olympic TV Ideas From Weaver & Wife
Anti-Olympic TV Ideas From Weaver & Wife
Anti-Olympic TV Ideas From Weaver & Wife
My wife is not a sports fan, at all really, I am and do enjoy watching the Olympic Games and cheering on Team USA, but after a few hours of swimming, biking, weight lifting and such, I need something else to watch for while. So, my wife and I thought we would share a list of some good TV to watch that literally has nothing to do with sports. There are a few on here I haven't seen yet either, but t

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