Banned Baby Names in The United States And Arkansas & Texas
Parents put a lot of time into naming their babies. Whether it's a family name that is being handed down through the generations or a cool trendy name but did you know there are names that are not allowed in the United States? Most states have baby name rules too. We found out what names are banned in Arkansas, Texas and Oklahoma.
First of all, in the United States, there are a few names that are Big No No's and for good reason. According to Today.com, there are a few names that can not be used as a name:
Jesus Christ
Because there is only one.
Adolf Hitler
It's hard to believe that people have even thought of this one. But this is definitely a NO for obvious reasons.
Santa Claus
Everyone loves Santa but that doesn't mean you can name your baby after him. Besides everyone will be asking your kid for presents and that would get expensive quick.
You can't name your baby @ unless of course you gave birth to an email address.
States have some rules and regulations too, According to thebump.com:
In Oklahoma you are pretty free to name your baby anything but, it is limited to the English alphabet.
In Texas, the first, middle and last name can be no longer than 100 letters total. No special characters like an accent mark, numbers or diacritical marks either.
As for Arkansas? There is a little more freedom, you can use apostrophes, hyphens and spaces in a name, but not consecutively. The Arkansas data entry system will also spit out naming your baby, Baby, Babyboy, Babygirl, Baby Boy, Baby Girl, Infant, Test, Unk and Void. Seriously? Who would name their child Void? And for that matter, can you imagine an adult having the name Babyboy or Babygirl?
Need some baby name ideas? Keep scrolling for the most popular baby names in each state and biblical baby names after that!

KEEP READING: Here are the most popular baby names in every state
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