We all love our pets, they're family, right? Fourth of July celebrations will be taking place over the next week, here are some tips to keep your furbabies safe and not too stressed out. I've heard more animals get lost on the 4th of July than any other day of the year.  

1. First and foremost if possible keep your pets indoors during firework displays that are nearby. If the event is close by, your pets might really appreciate you staying home with them if you can. They also might feel more secure in a carrier, crate or a quiet room in the house.

2. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association, you should also make sure your pets have identification tags and/or are microchipped. Make sure the information on the tags is up to date.

3. If your animals are outside, make sure your back yard is safe and secure and your pets have a safe place to hide. Animals can jump over fences or wiggle their way under fences when they get scared.

4. If you have a pet that is anxious or nervous, talk with your vet about a calming medication that is safe for them to take. Do not do this without talking to your vet! There are over the counter calming treats for cats available.

5. Please also remember to keep sparklers, glow sticks and fireworks away from pets.

Following a few simple steps can make a stress free holiday for pets and their humans.


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