You’ll Be Amazed at What You’ll Find at The Bottom of Lake Ouachita [VIDEO]
Arkansas is known for its beautiful lakes, but have you ever wondered about what might be at the bottom of some of those lakes?
If you dare to dive, there have been reports of interesting things at the bottom of Lake Ouachita. From railroad tracks to an old school bus. There is also a sunken houseboat and sail boat. What about a UFO? That's what they say. There is something even more amazing and touching than that at the bottom of Lake Ouachita.
How beautiful is this? There is a memorial also known as the Fearless Rock. The memorial honors the fallen soldier and Navy Seal Adam Brown.
Here's a great video on Adam Brown and his life.
About the UFO? Well, I couldn't find any video of a dive about that but it's mentioned on a couple of websites. In fact Scuba Archery states:
Rumor has it that a UFO crash landed in Lake Ouachita several years ago, just off point #49. The spacecraft is resting in about 25+- feet of water just SW of the point. Government officials are denying it exists, but we know that “they” are out there. If you look for it, you can see the crash trail leading from the shallow water in front of the Point #49 sign to the craft.