What is Your Favorite Winter Olympic Sport? [POLL]
The 2018 Winter Olympic Games are here! There is so much to watch and all the different sports to keep up with. What is your favorite sport during the Winter Olympics to watch?
Mine hands down has to be the figure skating. But then I'll get all wrapped up in the downhill skiing and the snowboarding. Especially the half-pipe snowboarding. To watch Shawn White to show off his talents again will be great to see. It is really hard to believe that it's actually been four whole years since the last Winter Olympics?
My absolute favorite part of any Olympic Games whether it's the winter or the summer games are the stories that highlight the host country. Find out about the history and culture is always interesting to me. I also love rooting for the countries. Yes, first and foremost I want to see the U.S. win but my mom was from Canada and my husband is from England. So I have quite a few countries to keep track of!
Take our poll below and tell us what your favorite Winter Olympic sport is.