If you see a fence post with white paint on it in Arkansas what does it mean?

If you spend any time outdoors in our area doing a little hiking or biking you may come across a fence post that has something on it. If it is a purple fence post that is something you really need to pay close attention to. This color fence post is a no trespassing. You can see my story and everything you need to look out for here.

Did you know that you may even stumble across a fence with a cowboy boot on one of the posts? You can see what this is all about in the story that Mario has shared.

Now with all of these different types of signs, you may find on fence posts around our area. The question is what the heck does it mean when you see a fence post that has white paint?

The answer is pretty simple and I found this information on safesite

White stands for the proposed borders of an excavation. When crews need to mark the limits of the excavation needed for a basement or even just a trench, they mark the outlines in white paint. This is usually the first step before any underground infrastructure is precisely located. It shows where the digging will occur.

Property owners put white paint on posts in areas that they plan to excavate. This helps the utility companies in making sure that the area to be excavated has no dangerous underground lines or wires.

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