Befuddled Weatherman Has No Clue What ‘Swinging’ Means
This guy is swinging into viral infamy.
Jordan Witzel, a weatherman for Canada's Global Calgary, got all sorts of confused yesterday when he mixed up swinging on playground equipment with the more adult-themed definition of the word, i.e., swapping sexual partners.
Witzel was plugging the nation's ParticiPACTION 150 Play List of the day, which is a list of activities citizens are advised to do. The activity was swinging and his mind immediately went to the wrong place.
He seems perturbed by the idea that the naughty version of swinging is the recommendation, sending the anchors into a fit of laughter, before the thunderbolt strikes Witzel and he realizes it's the more kid-friendly meaning of the word.
The forecast for this weatherman definitely calls for heat. How else to explain the uncomfortable sweating, right?
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