University Concurrent Education Programs Re-Accredited by National Group
Southern Arkansas University’s concurrent education programs have been awarded re-accreditation by the National Alliance of Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships.
According to a recent press release, SAU was one of 19 colleges and universities across the country to be granted accreditation from NACEP, the standards of which serve as the model criteria for ensuring that course content and expectations for student work in concurrent enrollment match those on the campus of the sponsoring college or university.
“Our re-accreditation by NACEP validates the excellence of our concurrent enrollment programs,” Dr. David Lanoue, SAU provost/vice-president of academic affairs, said. “We are proud of the partnerships we have built with high schools in our region to provide opportunities for their students to receive college credit. Our NACEP accreditation reassures students and their parents that all concurrent enrollment courses offered by SAU meet the same high standards of rigor and quality found on our Magnolia campus.”
“SAU is honored to receive re-accreditation from the NACEP,” Caroline Waller, coordinator of Continuing Education and Community Outreach at SAU, said. “SAU has been accredited by NACEP since 2010; it provides critical resources to ensure our students are receiving concurrent education of the highest quality.”
“As the availability of college credit opportunities for high school students expands, it is vital that we maintain quality to provide a meaningful collegiate experience for students. The programs that received accreditation meet established best practices in concurrent enrollment in the areas of curriculum, faculty, students, assessment, and program evaluation,” Victoria Zeppelin, NACEP Accreditation Commission chair, said. “NACEP accreditation is the hallmark of excellence.”
The full listing of programs nationwide currently accredited by NACEP can be found at: