The Texarkana Independent School District has new quarantine guidelines for students and staff that went into effect on Monday.

Individuals who have had close contact (within 6-ft for 15 or more cumulative minutes with one or both individuals unmasked) with an individual who has tested positive for COVID-19 must quarantine for 10 days after the last contact with the individual and may return to work/school on day 11. Staff members/students who complete a 10-day quarantine must continue to monitor for symptoms through the 14th day after last contact with the individual.

Students who complete a 10-day quarantine may not participate in contact sports or activities where masks are not consistently worn and social distancing is not always possible through the 14th day after last contact with the individual.
In cases where it may not be possible to avoid additional contact with the COVID-positive individual, the staff member/student must quarantine for 14 days.

For staff members who work in essential positions and who are notified of their own child experiencing symptoms during the school, or workday, the staff member may remain at work pending a medical evaluation of the child, if that can be obtained the same day.


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