#1.) Even though this seems IMPOSSIBLE in 2011... 5% of American households don't have microwaves.  It's true.  I'm not sure exactly what they're doing without them... but they're microwave-free.


In 1971, 40 years ago, less than 1% of households in the U.S. had microwaves. 

#2.) We know Russia is a hard-drinkin' country, but we didn't know they were THIS hard.  Until Tuesday, beer was not classified as an alcoholic product in Russia... because it wasn't alcoholic enough to count.  They used to call it a FOOD.

Now, the Russian parliament has finally acknowledged that beer gets you drunk, just the same as vodka.  One in five male deaths in Russia are caused by alcohol. 

#3.) A new study out of San Diego State University has figured out why SARAH PALIN'S kids all seem to have untraditional names, like Trig and Bristol.  They found that in "frontier" states like Alaska, parents choose less common baby names.

In older states, like the original 13 on the East Coast, parents tend to choose more popular and established baby names.  So if Palin was from Massachusetts, her kids might be named Thomas and Barbara. 

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