Texarkana, Texas Residents Have Amnesty Through October 30
The Texarkana, Texas Municipal Court is offering an Amnesty Program beginning Oct.1, 2015 until October 30, 2015. Anyone who has an outstanding warrant with Texas Municipal Court can come in before Oct. 30, 2015 and pay the warrant in full without being arrested.
To inquire about a warrant (Class C misdemeanor) with Texarkana, Texas Municipal Court, please call (903) 798-3009, 798-3790 or 798-3013, Monday-Friday, 8AM to 5PM.
Residents may pay their warrant in full with cash, money order or debit card, Master Card only, Monday-Friday, 8AM -5PM at the Texas Pay Fine Window located on the first floor of the Bi-State Justice Building, 100 N, Stateline, Texarkana, Texas, before Oct. 30, 2015.
Citizens who do not take care of their warrant with the Texarkana, Texas Municipal Court before October 30, 2015 risk being arrested and potentially paying a higher fine.