The date has been set so mark your calendars for the annual Kiwanis Pancake Day Saturday, March 2! This is a great fundraiser that is put on by the Kiwanis Club of Texarkana Foundation and it benefits kids and the disabled through several local organizations.
Colder temperatures are on the way and there are a lot of people in our area that need coats. It's time to warm Texarkana up with the Worthy of Warmth Run by the Christian Warriors Saturday, November 3. All entry fee proceeds will be used to purchase coats for people in need in the Texarkana area.
The temperatures are starting to drop a bit in the evening and it's not so humid anymore. So it's the perfect time for the "Let's Glow For A Run" this Saturday night October 1 in downtown Atlanta, Texas.
A Run To Remember 5K will be Saturday at 8:30AM at The Texarkana Golf Ranch located at 7401 University Ave, Texarkana, Texas. Race registration is from 7:30-8:15AM.