Stateline Ave. Improvments – What Would You Like to See Happen?
Local leaders met a couple of weeks ago to discuss ideas on what types of improvements could be done to Stateline Avenue. Oh, the ideas that come to mind!!
Downtown Texarkana is starting to shape up with more and more restaurants and shops opening up. Back in April, Arklatex Homepage reported that the City of Texarkana Arkansas was thinking about passing some ordinances to plan an entertainment district downtown.
Right now, of course, there is a lot of work going on downtown on the roads. We have made the transition from a few one-way streets turning into 2-way streets.
Now wouldn't it be nice to dress up Stateline? Think about it. What would you like to see? I heard that before they expanded Stateline when it was only a two-lane road it was lined with trees!
I know we can't really go back to a 2 lane road but what about the center lane? My idea would be to see intermittent islands in the middle filled with wildflowers and trees. This way we wouldn't have to totally get rid of the center lane but do we really need it going all the way down Stateline? Maybe they could make the lanes a little narrower and be able to add bike lanes too. Oh and maybe lessen the number of billboards. Those are just a few of my ideas. What ideas do you have?