SAU Board Adopts 2018-2019 Budget
Adhering to the request from Governor Asa Hutchinson, Southern Arkansas University did not increase tuition for the upcoming academic year for full time in-state undergraduate students.
According to a press release, at the regular meeting of the SAU Board of Trustees on Thursday, May 17, the SAU Board approved the in-state undergraduate tuition freeze and the overall budget, in which only three select mandatory fees were targeted for increases in 2018-2019.
Tuition in 2018-2019 will be $3,420 per semester for full-time undergraduate students, unchanged from last year’s tuition rate. Total mandatory fees will be $918. Total tuition and fees for an undergraduate in-state student taking fifteen hours will be $4,338. Comparable tuition and fees for 2017-2018 were 4,173. Students will have to pay $165 difference in fees.
Tuition in 2018-2019 will be $3,420 per semester for full-time undergraduate students, unchanged from last year’s tuition rate. Total mandatory fees will be $918. Total tuition and fees for an undergraduate in-state student taking fifteen hours will be $4,338. Comparable tuition and fees for 2017-2018 were 4,173. Students will have to pay $165 difference in fees.
Those include academic excellence, computer technology, and public safety fees.
The public safety fee increase reflects the University’s commitment to student safety. Additional equipment and training for campus police officers, extra security lighting and cameras, and training for the campus are included.
The public safety fee increase reflects the University’s commitment to student safety. Additional equipment and training for campus police officers, extra security lighting and cameras, and training for the campus are included.
Academic excellence fees were increased to reflect a commitment to the state’s new performance-funding formula and the University’s emphasis on student success, retention, and graduation rates.
An increase in computer technology fees will keep the University on the cutting edge of technology for students, faculty and staff.
Other agenda items included approval of a bond sale resolution for facility improvements for the College of Education, the SAU Band and the Agriculture Shop. SAU presented the updated strategic plan for the Magnolia campus. Other resolutions included a resolution for student housing in cooperation with the SAU Alumni Association to complete the three residence hall projects of which the first two are complete and fully occupied. The Board also authorized Dr. Berry to explore the adjacent property. In an innovative program to implement savings for electric power, SAU Tech presented a solar power agreement that will construct a solar farm that will generate a significant portion of the SAU Tech electricity needs. Academic program changes were also considered from SAU Tech.
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