Road Closure Expected to Affect School Traffic
The Texarkana Arkansas Public Works Department has announced that beginning October 15 Jefferson Avenue will be closed to thru traffic from East 18th Street to East 24th Street.
From Public Works Director Paul Hackleman,
Jefferson Avenue from E. 18th Street to E. 24th Street will be closed to thru traffic beginning Wednesday, October 15, 2014 to perform street pavement overlay. The work is expected to take 3 days and be opened for traffic late Friday, October 17.
Citizens may take Pinson Drive, Franklin Drive, Highway 67, County Ave or numerous other local north-south streets as alternate routes to Arkansas High School and points south.
This project is part of the State Aid City Streets Program Grant funded 90% by the State of Arkansas and 10% by the City of Texarkana, Arkansas as approved by City Board of Directors on May 5, 2014 with Resolutions No. 6152 & 6153
Special Notice Inclusion for Arkansas High School thru Robin Stover.