Local Group Needs Help Making ‘Survival Bags’ for Homeless
If you are looking for a way to help people in our area, here is another great opportunity to help those in need. A group from Flower Acres Baptist Church is asking for help with their "survival bag" ministry that will be handed out to homeless people in our area.
According to their Facebook post, they are a group of ladies who gather health and hygiene items along with socks, gloves, bug spray e.g., anything we can provide to make life living on the street a bit easier.
Once the survival bags have been put together they pass them out from their cars to where they see people in need.
They are looking for the following items.
* white socks (unisex)
* deodorant
* baby wipes (we can repackage large pkgs in ziploc bags)
* bug spray
* feminine hygiene pads (no tampons)
* flip flop sandals, they can be cut to fit
* Zip loc bags (generic)
* tums or rolaids
* reader eye glasses (new
or used)
* Tylenol or aspirin (generic)
* neosporin ( generic)
* medicated talcum powder
they also ask that you do not donate used items. The most important items needed are bug spray, socks and baby wipes.
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