High Water Closes Portion of Index Bridge Over Red River
For the second time in less than a month, the Index bridge on Highway 71 at the Red River is experiencing flooding. Water levels are at around 26.3 feet and have caused the closing of the southbound lanes over the bridge to be closed.
Texas Department of Transportation engineer Marcus Sandifur issued this statement concerning the Highway at Index bridge:
"Just heard from our TxDOT area engineer in Texarkana that AHTD has closed the southbound lanes of US 59/71 north of the Index bridge due to Red River flooding. The northbound lanes have been reduced to one lane and could possibly be closed altogether this afternoon if the water keeps rising."
As before, TxDOT personnel on location will be monitoring the situation around the clock until the highway is reopened.
People traveling from Ashdown to Texarkana will need to find an alternate route until the floodwaters recede and the highway can be examined for any damage.