Exuberant Fan Catches Obama In Crushing Bear Hug
While on the campaign trail in Fort Pierce, Florida, yesterday, President Barack Obama found himself on the receiving end of a monster bear hug courtesy of a 6-foot, 3-inch tall restaurant owner weighing 260 pounds. Where's the Secret Service when you need them?
When Obama entered the Big Apple Pizza and Pasta Restaurant on Sunday, he immediately greeted owner Scott Van Duzer and commented on his size. "Scott, let me tell you, you are like the biggest pizza shop owner I've ever seen," he said.
Overcome with emotion, Van Duzer hugged the President, then easily lifted him clear off the ground, to which Obama replied, "Man, are you a powerlifter or what?"
When asked later whether he was worried about the President's security detail jumping in, Van Duzer said he cleared the hug beforehand and was told "I was all right as long as I didn't take him away." Either way, Van Duzer deserves congratulations for being the most enthusiastic Obama supporter ever.