You Can See The Movie ’42’ In Hope This Week
You can see the movie "42" with multiple showings this week in Hope Arkansas.
The University of Arkansas Hope Campus will show the movie "24" with multiple showings on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday at Hempstead hall.
The accomplishments of what Jackie Robinson did for race relations and baseball are celebrated every April 15 and the University of Arkansas Hope will celebrate with multiple showings of the move "42".
Seating will be limited to 100 to keep social distancing rules intact. The showings will be on Thursday at 6:30 pm and the doors will open at 5:30 pm. Friday the showing Saturday you can see the movie at 2 pm with the doors opening at 1 pm. You can purchase tickets in advance here.
This is what the movie is all about from IMDB.
In 1947, Jackie Robinson becomes the first African-American to play in Major League Baseball in the modern era when he was signed by the Brooklyn Dodgers and faces considerable racism in the process.
The movie stars Harrison Ford of 'Star Wars' and 'Indiana Jones' fame and the late Chadwick Boseman from the 'Black Panther' Marvel movies. Here is the trailer for "42".
The movie will be shown in Hempstead Hall and they are doing something pretty unique this year. The school is offering order ahead concessions. You can order them here and they will be ready when you arrive to watch the movie.
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