U.A.C.C.H. Bridge Builders Fund Scholarships
The University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana is helping students by funding scholarships.With 50 years of experience, the dedicated faculty and staff at the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana are ready to help students overcome obstacles to succeed at their educational goals.
The faculty and staff at U of A Hope-Texarkana put their money where their mouth is when it comes to helping students. Through the employee giving program, known on campus as “Bridge Builders,” faculty and staff elect to give a portion of their paychecks to the UA Hope Texarkana Foundation to assist students. These “Bridge Builders” have funded scholarships, assisted with campus projects, helped with campus beautification, and helped students in many other ways.
At U of A Hope-Texarkana, 86 percent of the faculty and staff have designated more than $11,000 of their paychecks be donated to the Foundation in 2016.
Each year, during the employee benefits fair, employees renew their donations and the Foundation provides these “Bridge Builders” with a small token of appreciation. This year, insulated travel mugs were presented to those who elected to contribute. The group recently gathered for a picture and collectively decided that the slogan for the year of giving would be “Here’s to Another Fifty” to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the college.
For more about UACCH, visit its website.