The Texarkana, Arkansas Police Department wants you to be safe this Memorial Day Holiday and throughout the summer.

Authorities will be out in full force throughout the National Memorial Day Seat Belt Mobilization time and will be enforcing the traffic laws as needed to ensure the safety of the motoring public.

TAPD is encouraging people to take steps to ensure their Memorial Holiday celebrations don’t end in tragedy. Our traffic safety grant provides funding that enables patrol officers the opportunity to work additional hours to promote traffic safety enforcement initiatives.

While Memorial Day marks the beginning of summer for many people, statistics show this holiday weekend will conclude with too many traffic related preventable deaths and injuries. The Texarkana Police Department wants to bring awareness to the risks on our roadways while encouraging drivers to take extra precautions this upcoming holiday weekend.

Studies have shown that safety belts are 45 percent effective in preventing fatalities. It is estimated that 139 lives may be saved Memorial Day Weekend because of people wearing their safety belts.

To ensure a safe Memorial Day celebration, the Texarkana Police Department recommends buckling up every trip, every time – even when traveling a short distance. Also, do not drink and drive, as impairment begins with the first drink – if you drink, designate a sober driver or take alternate transportation. Be sure to also keep these tips in mind before heading out the door:

• Designate a sober driver before the celebrations begin; plan a way to get home safely if you’ve been drinking.

• If you are impaired, call a taxi, phone a sober friend or family member.

• Be responsible. If someone you know is drinking, do not let that person get behind the wheel.

• If you see an impaired driver on the road, contact law enforcement. Your actions may save someone’s life and inaction could cost a life.

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