Texas A&m University-Texarkana

Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
The Texarkana Homeless Coalition (TXKHC), in partnership with Texas A&M University-Texarkana, Texarkana College, Bridging the Gaps Arkansas, Community Healthcore, Communities Unlimited, Texarkana Emergency Center, and LifeNet, will host a Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop and Narcan Training on Tuesday, September 24, at the Truman Arnold Center at Texarkana College.
A&M-Texarkana Unveils Details of New RRCU Athletics Complex
A&M-Texarkana Unveils Details of New RRCU Athletics Complex
A&M-Texarkana Unveils Details of New RRCU Athletics Complex
Have you heard the news? There is going to be a new Athletics Complex on the A&M Texarkana campus. Officials from both Texas A&M University-Texarkana and Red River Credit Union got together with students, faculty, staff, and others to reveal the details of the new RRCU Athletics Complex.
GoFundMe Set Up For TAMUT Baseball Player Struck By Stray Bullet
GoFundMe Set Up For TAMUT Baseball Player Struck By Stray Bullet
GoFundMe Set Up For TAMUT Baseball Player Struck By Stray Bullet
Do you ever think, "There but for the grace of God go I"? Does it ever occur to you that if you were just a few minutes earlier or later, whatever bad happened could have happened to you, or someone you love?  It crosses my mind all the time. It makes me wonder about Angels watching out for me or is it just dumb luck? Well, Saturday night Matthew DeLaney had the unfortunate luck to be st
A&M-Texarkana Seeking Projects For Annual Community Service Day
A&M-Texarkana Seeking Projects For Annual Community Service Day
A&M-Texarkana Seeking Projects For Annual Community Service Day
Texas A&M University-Texarkana is looking for sites and projects where university volunteers can help out during its annual day of giving, called “The Big Event- Eagle Pride City Wide.” The annual day of service scatters hundreds of A&M-Texarkana students, faculty, staff, and alumni across the city for a day of giving back. The 2021 Big Event is scheduled for Saturday, April 10th. Read Mor
A&M-Texarkana PLACE Fundraising Event Today
A&M-Texarkana PLACE Fundraising Event Today
A&M-Texarkana PLACE Fundraising Event Today
Texas A&M University Texarkana’s Program for Learning And Community Engagement (PLACE) has chosen “The Southern Experience” as the theme for this year’s programming. Today, if you eat at TLC between 10:30am – 3:30pm and mention 'TAMUT' a portion of their proceeds will be donated to PLACE and local charity/non-profit organizations.
Astronaut Scott Kelly to Speak at Distinguished Speaker Series
Astronaut Scott Kelly to Speak at Distinguished Speaker Series
Astronaut Scott Kelly to Speak at Distinguished Speaker Series
Farmers Bank & Trust is bringing NASA’s history-making Astronaut, Captain Scott Kelly to Texarkana as a part of its Distinguished Speaker Series. The event, scheduled for April 2nd, raises scholarship funds for students at the University of Arkansas Hope-Texarkana (UAHT) and Texarkana College (TC) who wish to transition to Texas A&M University-Texarkana to complete their 4-year degree. Rea
Local Professor Talks of Coronavirus to International Audience
Local Professor Talks of Coronavirus to International Audience
Local Professor Talks of Coronavirus to International Audience
Texas A&M University-Texarkana Chair of Biological Sciences Dr. Ben Neuman has recently given radio and television interviews for international news agencies about the recent outbreak of a coronavirus in China. The mysterious virus, which began in Wuhan, China, has now killed at least 17 people and infected hundreds more in 6 countries. A 30 year old man from Washington State is the first conf
TAMUT Will Test Emergency Notification System This Thursday, December 12
TAMUT Will Test Emergency Notification System This Thursday, December 12
TAMUT Will Test Emergency Notification System This Thursday, December 12
Do not be alarmed, this is only a test! Texas A&M University-Texarkana has installed a new high-powered speaker system on campus as a part of its emergency mass notification system. The university will be conducting several tests of the new speaker system throughout the day on Thursday, December 12th.

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