GREEN TEXARKANAGREEN TEXARKANASaturday is recycling time in Texarkana and people are recycling just about everything they can before summertime hits.John WilliamsJohn Williams
GREEN TEXARKANA GREEN TEXARKANA The recycling event known as Green Texarkana is scheduled for this Saturday May 14, in Texarkana.John WilliamsJohn Williams
Recycling Day is SaturdayRecycling Day is SaturdayGreen Texarkana, the monthly recycling event hosted by the City of Texarkana, Ark., will be Saturday.John WilliamsJohn Williams
Green Texarkana Is This SaturdayGreen Texarkana Is This SaturdayThe final Green Texarkana Recycling day of the year is this Saturday, December 12, in Texarkana, Ark.John WilliamsJohn Williams
GREEN TEXARKANA SATURDAYGREEN TEXARKANA SATURDAYTime to do some more recycling in Texarkana.John WilliamsJohn Williams