August 14

Texarkana Texas Police Issue Latest Scam Alert for Area Business
Texarkana Texas Police Issue Latest Scam Alert for Area Business
Texarkana Texas Police Issue Latest Scam Alert for Area Business
As a business, have you received an out-of-town or out-of-state order, the "customer" then pays with a bogus credit card and you end up getting ripped off twice? It happens all the time, and today Texarkana Texas Police are sending out their latest Scam Alert on this very topic.
Harvest Food Bank Is Back In Nashville, AR Wednesday 8/14
Harvest Food Bank Is Back In Nashville, AR Wednesday 8/14
Harvest Food Bank Is Back In Nashville, AR Wednesday 8/14
Harvest Regional Food Bank returns to Howard County this Wednesday, August 14, 2024, with another food box distribution for those who could use a little help. If you live in the Nashville/Howard County area, below is the information you need on what to do, how to do it, and what you need to bring.
COVID-19 Texarkana Area Update for Friday, August 14
COVID-19 Texarkana Area Update for Friday, August 14
COVID-19 Texarkana Area Update for Friday, August 14
Bowie County Emergency Operations Center reports a total of 805 positive COVID-19 cases, with 375 recoveries and 53 related deaths. There are currently 377 active cases being traced in Bowie County. Cass County has a total of 193 cases with 137 recoveries, 9 deaths and currently 47 active cases. Miller County has 527 total cases, 42 active positive cases, 4174 negative results, 480 recovered and 5