“Nine Birds,” an exhibition of watercolors by Don Brown, is on display at Centenary College’s Meadows Museum of Art in Shreveport through January 31, 2017.
Texarkana has a vibrant art scene and the Texarkana Regional Arts & Humanities Council (TRAHC) Gallery Hop is a great way to see hometown talent. The event is Saturday, October 8, and runs from noon until 4PM at nine different locations all around our community.
Austin, TX street artist Ez has gained notoriety and a following by creating treasure chests in the theme of 'Legend of Zelda' and hiding them around the city.
Wow! This is a cool story! Clark Little is a photographer of a different kind. His photo shoots consist of him getting in the ocean waves and the results are spectacular!
Do you like creative art. This piece is made up of 66,000 cups of water. More than 100 volunteers spent 62 hours to create something truly amazing... Watch!