Photo Courtesy U.A.C.CH.
Photo Courtesy U.A.C.C.H.

Some single parents who want to further their educational careers in Southwest Arkansas are getting some help with the cost.

The Hempstead-Lafayette County Single Parent Scholarship Board is currently accepting applications for Summer and Fall semester scholarships.  The deadline for apply for a Single Parent Scholarship for the  Summer Semester is April 30 and July 1 for Fall Semester scholarships.  A full application and list of qualifying criteria is available at under the Admissions/financial aid tab.
The current recipients of the scholarship recently enjoyed a meal and fellowship with the Hempstead-Lafayette County Single Parent Scholarship Board members. The 2015 recipients include Tony Page , Tephanie Johnson, Linda Butler, Tomeka Morris, and Wendy McKamie.

During the dinner, recipients were presented with a certificate of scholarship to recognize their efforts and being awarded this scholarship.  The scholarship allows student to select the Arkansas College of their choice to attend.

Please help the SPSF Board in congratulating these students on their receiving this scholarship. Funds raised at the Annual UACCH Fish Fry are matched annually from the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund.

Speaking of the fish fry, it was just recently held and was deemed a huge success this year according to university officials.

This year’s event was attended by more than 1,600, helping to raise more than $19,500 for the Hempstead-Lafayette Single Parent Scholarship Fund and the U Can Scholarship.  The UACCH Foundation, as the fiscal agent for the Hempstead-Lafayette Single Parent Scholarship Fund will now apply for up to $14,000 in matching funds from the Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund. The College would like to thank the Lions Club for the outstanding job they do each year in preparing their famous fried fish and side dishes.
The year’s event was special in that they the had Arkansas Single Parent Scholarship Fund Executive Director, Ruthanne Hill in attendance to witness first-hand the community support and involvement in this event. Hope’s local entertainment did an outstanding job performing from the Anthony-Routon Amphitheater.  The entertainment included Unity Youth Choir, Joy Trio, Melody Boys, Genesis Drive, and Randy and Misty Banks.
For more information, visit the college website at

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