Plans to Widen I-30 in Texarkana Getting Closer to Reality
Back in 2017, there were reports that I-30 would be expanded to more lanes in a 6-mile stretch as it runs through Texarkana. Looks like we are getting closer and closer to that reality.
According to the Longview News-Journal, at least 10 different contractors have submitted bids to do the project including one company from Longview, Texas. The official acceptance of a bid will be Thursday, May 28 when the Texas Transportation Commission meet in a teleconference.
The six-mile area will be from about the Kings Highway area in Nash to the Texas Arkansas border. The lanes will expand from 4 to 6 lanes.
The Texas Department of Transportation estimates that 76,000 vehicles travel this area of I-30 in Texarkana every day. That's a lot of traffic! Get ready Texarkana a few more growing pains are probably headed our way, but when it's done it will be great!

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