Meet and Greet Elected Officials at Free Chili Supper
There is a free chili supper scheduled for Wednesday to meet newly elected officials as well as those currently holding elected positions in Texarkana and the surrounding area.
The event is Wednesday, Dec. 10 from 5:30 p.m. until 8 p.m. at the Four States Fairgrounds Arena.
You can meet all of the Texarkana elected officials and city government officials from both sides of Texarkana.
Meet Texarkana, Ark., Mayor-elect Ruth Penney Bell, Texarkana, Texas Mayor Bob Bruggeman, Bowie County Judge-elect James Carlow, County Judge Larry Burgess. The Arkansas City Directors, Miller County Quorum Court, Fouke Mayor Terry Purvis, Texarkana Texas City Council, State Representative Gary Vandeaver, members of the Texarkana, Texas City Council, and Cass County Judge Becky Wilbanks will be in attendance.
Dress is casual and no donations will be accepted. The event is sponsored by Bobby Ferguson and Jerry Shipp.