Largest Diamond Found at Arkansas’ Crater of Diamonds Since 2021
If you haven't been to Crater of Diamonds State Park in Murfreesboro, Arkansas in a while then what are you waiting for? There are diamonds just waiting to be found. The park just announced that a really big diamond was found earlier this month.
David Anderson of Murfreesboro found a big brown diamond while he was at the park wet sifting his gravel. The diamond is 3.29 carats making it the largest diamond found at the park this year and the largest diamond found since September of 2021.
Anderson found the diamond on Saturday, March 4. In a press release he said;
At first, I thought it was quartz but wondered why it was so shiny. Once I picked it up, I realized it was a diamond!
Anderson first learned about Crater of Diamonds State Park while watching The Travel Channel in 2007. He said, “My first trip here was in 2007. After I found my first diamond, a 1.5-carat white, I was hooked!”
Anderson has been hunting for diamonds since 2007 when he found out about the park on the Travel Channel. On his first trip, he scored a 1.5-carat white diamond and says he's been hooked ever since. He has found a lot of diamonds since then...over 400 diamonds in 16 years. And he's found some doozies! Fifteen of them were over a carat but he's also found even bigger. In 2011 he found a 3.83-carat yellow diamond, but the biggest was the 6.19-carat white diamond he found back in 2014.
Did you know that if you find a diamond at the Crater of Diamonds you can give it an official name? Anderson's sense of humor shows in this when he named it B.U.D.
That’s for Big, Ugly Diamond
Anderson said he usually sells his diamonds locally.
Anderson’s diamond is described as being about the size of an English pea. It's the largest diamond found in the park since September 2021. Someone from California was visiting the park and found a 4.38-carat yellow diamond.
As of this writing, there have already been 124 diamonds found and registered at Crater of Diamonds State Park this year. Find out more about Crater of Diamonds State Park Here!

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