Creepy Abandoned Drive-in and Skating Rink in Southern Arkansas
I miss the good old days of drive-in movies and skating rinks. Pretty much if you traveled through any small town in Arkansas back in the day you were most likely to find one of the two.
That brings me to tell you about the Sunset Drive-in and Skating Rink in Hamburg, Arkansas, a popular hangout for teens and families growing up in a small town in Southeastern Arkansas located about 2 hours and 7 minutes from Texarkana. Contrary to what you see in the movies there was no hillbilly sitting on a porch playing the banjo, the state gets a bad rap when it comes to the backwoods of rural Arkansas. The abandoned Sunset Drive-in and Skating Rink sit on private property in the middle of the woods. This place makes me think Jason from "Friday the 13th is lurking around the corner!
Once a thriving hot spot for the locals the drive-in and skating rink was opened in the 60s until the 90s when the businesses hit hard times and closed. But the remnants of what used to be, still remain in some capacity whether it be the old abandoned skating rink where the faded sign still reminds us what was there long ago.
Even an occasional roller skate was found in the walkthrough.
A walk through the woods will give you chills as you run across old poles where speakers with frayed wires used to hang.
A walk further into the woods will eventually bring you to the huge movie screen that is surrounded by trees, brush, and plant overgrowth. If these woods could talk, man the stories it could tell!
And what looks to be the film room building.
History tells us that a prominent businessman named Charlie Carpenter who owned several other businesses in Hamburg purchased the property. Mr. Carpenter has since passed but the property is still owned by one of his family members.
Watch this incredible video via Abandoned Arkansas.
Do you miss our drive-in movies and skating rinks?