The Texarkana Arkansas City Board of Directors meet tonight beginning at 6:30 at City Hall.

One of the agenda items will be taking up consideration of an ordinance dealing with the chaining of dogs inside the city limits. Here is the complete agenda for tonight's meeting:


1.Call to Order
2.Roll Call
3.Invocation given by Director Terri Peavy
4.Pledge of Allegianceby Director Terri Peavy
5.Comments from the Mayor

Questions from Directors and other business

A.Approval of Minutes of the regular meeting February 6, 2017. (CCD)

Adopt a Resolution approving purchase of a new Fire Department Command Vehicle from Landers Dodge. (TAFD)

8.Consider the following concerning the data transmission services franchise agreement with Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc.:
A.Adopt an Ordinance approving the new data transmission services franchise agreement with Southwest Arkansas Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (PWD) Public Works Director Jeff Whitten
B.This ordinance requires an emergency clause:  An emergency clause requires a separate and distinct vote of the board and is valid only if there is a two-thirds vote of approval by the board. (Hdbk. Const. Amend 7)
9.Adopt an Ordinance granting a limited franchise for the 1894, LLC for the non-exclusive right and privilege to use and occupy the public right-of-way for the operation of a commercial and residential building located at 215 E. Front  Street, Texarkana, AR. (PWD) Public Works Director Jeff Whitten
10.Adopt an Ordinance amending, updating and revising portions of Chapter 5 of The City of Texarkana, Arkansas Code of Ordinances in reference to dogs on chains. (ACAC) Animal Care and Adoption Center Director Charles Lokey
11.Citizen Communication [Agenda Item Card and Citizens’ Communication Card]
A limit of five (5) minutes per subject is allotted for any person to express a written or oral viewpoint, grievance or other message to the Board of Directors, with a maximum of fifty (50) minutes allotted for citizen communications.  No advance permission is required, but persons wishing to address the Board are requested to fill out a “blue” card listing the subject to be addressed and hand it to the City Clerk upon arrival.  Citizen’s communications will be immediately following the Regular Agenda items on each agenda.
12.Executive Session
A.Adopt a Resolution making appointments to various boards, commissions, and committees. [Advertising and Promotion Commission, Board of Adjustment, Heating and Air Conditioning Board of Review, Housing Authority, Library Board, and Plumbing Board of Review] (CCD)
B.Boards and Commissions Expiration of Terms. (CCD)


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