APARTMENT COMPLEX SHOOTINGAPARTMENT COMPLEX SHOOTINGTexarkana, Ark., Police are investigating an altercation at an apartment complex over the weekend that resulted in a man being shot in the face.John WilliamsJohn Williams
SHOOTING OUTSIDE RESTAURANTSHOOTING OUTSIDE RESTAURANTTexas side police are investigating a shooting outside a Texarkana restaurant Wednesday evening that left two people injured and at least one person behind bars.John WilliamsJohn Williams
SUSPECT ARRESTEDSUSPECT ARRESTEDA 32 year-old Texarkana, Texas man was fatally shot during an exchange of gunfire in the 2000 block of West 16th Street Thursday morning.Mario GarciaMario Garcia
Texas Police Investigating ShootingTexas Police Investigating ShootingTexarkana Texas Police are investigating a shooting which occurred around dusk yesterday evening.John WilliamsJohn Williams
ONE SHOTONE SHOTTexarkana Texas Police were called to Wadley Regional Medical Center yesterday after a disturbance led to a shooting.John WilliamsJohn Williams
Yet Another Shooting in Texarkana, TexasYet Another Shooting in Texarkana, TexasTexas Side Police are again investigating after another shooting incident in the city.John WilliamsJohn Williams
Texas Side Police Investigating Another Shooting IncidentTexas Side Police Investigating Another Shooting IncidentTexarkana, Texas Police are investigating the latest shooting incident in the city.John WilliamsJohn Williams