September 24

Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop/Narcan Training on 9/24
The Texarkana Homeless Coalition (TXKHC), in partnership with Texas A&M University-Texarkana, Texarkana College, Bridging the Gaps Arkansas, Community Healthcore, Communities Unlimited, Texarkana Emergency Center, and LifeNet, will host a Community-Wide Opioids Education Workshop and Narcan Training on Tuesday, September 24, at the Truman Arnold Center at Texarkana College.
State Fair of Texas Music Lineup Looks Amazing for 2021
State Fair of Texas Music Lineup Looks Amazing for 2021
State Fair of Texas Music Lineup Looks Amazing for 2021
If I were to tell that the total live music lineup exceeds 77 artists or groups for the State Fair of Texas in September, would you believe me? It's true, would you also believe me that the live entertainment is all included with your Fair ticket? Yeah, that's true too.