Now You Can Explore Mars Through Virtual Reality
I found a way for you to access the real surface of Mars through Virtual Reality recorded by Nasa's curiosity rover on 360° of real-time access. The curiosity rover launched back in November 2011 on a mission to find out if Mars contained life or if it has ever contained life. The mission had to travel 352,000,000 miles and took over eight months.
The site will let you learn about the curiosity rover and how it traveled across the surface of Mars. You can click on different points of the surface of Mars, or you can move from point to point by clicking on the actual terrain of the redd planet. You can even travel to different mission sites by clicking on the map icons to see the actual surface of the planet Mars.
The site also lets you click on the Curiosity rover to find out more details about this awesome vehicle including its unbelievably slow top speed of only 4 centimeters a second speed that is a whopping .09 miles an hour.
Here is an additional youtube video of the Curiosity and its 1.8 billion megapixels panoramic photo.