More Controversy at Texarkana Arkansas City Hall with Termination of City Clerk
The controversy at Texarkana Arkansas' City Hall continues with the termination earlier today of City Clerk Patti Grey.
The termination stems from an investigation by the Texarkana Arkansas Police Department that began from Ms. Grey's accusation that City Manager Harold Boldt had stolen a rubber signature stamp and used it to authorize checks without her knowledge. Upon completion of the investigation it was found that there was "no evidence of wrongdoing on behalf of Harold Boldt in this case," according to the Investigation Report.
When asked if he is satisfied with the findings of the investigation into the missing signature stamp, Texarkana Arkansas City Manager Harold Boldt said, he believes the report speaks for itself, and completely clears his name on this subject.
Ms. Heather Soyars has been appointed to Interim Clerk until a search for a replacement can be done.
Here is the letter from Ward 5 City Director Mike Jones requesting an investigation into the matter.
The following is the synopsis of the Police Investigation...(personal addresses removed.)
It was with all of this laid out in the synopsis that the following termination letter was written when the decision was made to end Ms. Grey's employment with the city.
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