Rumor: We Might See a Green Lantern or 2 in ‘Justice League’
In their mad rush to kickstart a cinematic universe without actually giving new characters individual movies, Warner Bros. has often struggled in the shadow of its Marvel competitors. Fans who are rooting for the success of the DCEU — those willing to see see the good and the bad of the movies, at least — know that movies like Wonder Woman are important because they create personal and well-rounded characters that we can then smash up against each other in movies like Justice League. After all, nobody would care who gets invited to an All-Star Game if there wasn’t an entire season’s worth of plays and memories to get us to that point.
That brings us to today’s hot new rumor, that Warner Bros. apparently has a few scenes with multiple Green Lantern characters for Justice League. According to Heroic Hollywood editor Umberto Gonzalez, who shared the information as part of a live Periscope with his fans. Here’s the transcript courtesy of the site:
In Justice League, there will be not one Green Lantern, but two Green Lanterns. Let’s see if it sticks and they keep them in or if they cut it out.
Rumors like this are always the ones that make me the most skeptical, because the parameters for truth are so hard to pin down. That being said, the trailer for Justice League has already mentioned the Lanterns by name — when Steppenwolf mentions that Earth is a planet with ‘no Lanterns’ — so the idea that they would show Lanterns, even in a flashback sequence meant to establish Darkseid’s attempted conquest of the cosmos, isn’t terribly far-fetched. Will we see a couple of Green Lantern characters pop up in the final movie? Honestly, with all the reshoots Warner Bros. has undergone on Justice League, I’m not even sure they know anymore.
Justice League will hit theaters on November 17, 2017.