The Miller County Health Unit’s Annual Flu Shot Clinic is in October
The Fall and Winter months are all about football, family and holidays. But it's also the season for the flu. The flu is most active time is in December, January and February. It is important to get protection early and the month of October is the perfect time you get your flu shot.
Luckily it's easy to get the flu shot and the Miller County Health Unit will be ready for you and have their flu shot clinic starting up on Monday, October 2 through Friday, October 6. It will be offered daily at the health unit from 8 AM to 4:30 PM
The flu shot is available for everyone and it is free. If you have insurance then you are asked to bring your insurance card but that is not a requirement.
In the past, this event has been held at the fairgrounds as a drive-through clinic but that is not the case this year.
This year it will be a walk-in clinic
The Miller County Health Unit is located at 503 Walnut Street in Texarkana, Arkansas.
For more information, you can call (870) 773-2108.
If you are on the fence about getting a flu shot I will tell you I was one of those for years! I didn't think it ever really helped me because I still got sick for a day or maybe two. One year I decided not to get the flu shot and yes I got the flu and I was down for over a week it was bad! That's when I realized, getting the flu shot might be the best thing to do from here on out! The flu shot might not keep you from getting sick but it sure will make it less severe! How about you? Have you gone without the flu shot then you caught it bad? Tell us about it!

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