Local Texarkana Cosplayer Gets Big Win at Fan Expo Dallas 2023
A local Texarkana cosplayer pulled off a major victory at the 2023 Fan Expo in Dallas the weekend of June 9-11.
I know we have some geeks and nerds here in Texarkana. Shoot, they're everywhere. I also know that some go to the big conventions around the country when they get a chance to meet up with other geeks and nerds just like them. I know, because I'm married to one. Full disclosure, the one I'm married to just won her first major competition in the Masters of Cosplay Grand Prix - Lonestar Qualifier, how cool is that!
My lovely bride, Donna, has been a cosplayer for years, I won't say how many because I like sleeping inside the house. But in the last couple of years, she started getting very serious about it and began building costumes out of EVA foam. A month or so ago she was invited, based on preliminary photo submissions, to compete in her first major contest. As you already know, she won her division.
In case you don't know, because I didn't, Donna's cosplay is Death Knight Ysera from World of Warcraft.
The division was “Novice.” I know, novice seems like a stretch for what she created here, but technically since this was her first major craftsmanship competition, that was the correct division for her to be in.
The great, and not-so-great news is, Donna is no longer a "Novice," she is now in the “Journeyman” division. As she advances, the competition obviously gets tougher.
The guy that won the Overall Competition at Dallas Fan Expo is pictured above wearing a hand-made "Doctor Who" suit, portraying the 10th Doctor as played by David Tennant. The amount of work that went into his costume was stunningly well done. Congratulations to JCaito Cosplay. He will go on to represent our area in Canada for the North American title and we wish him good luck.
As the Novice Division winner, Donna received $100 cash, a VIP ticket for Fan Expo 2024, and a JBL Charge 5 Bluetooth speaker.
Kudos to those who put on the Cosplay contest at Fan Expo Dallas, Pat Covey, the cosplay coordinator, and his staff did a great job according to Donna;
"The cosplay contest was very well-done. Everything ran smoothly and timely, and the staff and judges were really positive and supportive. They took great care of us all from start to finish."
If you are really into cosplay, you can follow along with Donna on her Instagram site called @MidnightChaos_Cosplay to see what she's working on next and what has come before.
I know what you're thinking, did Jim dress up this year? Yes, yes I did. Not for the contest, just for funsies on Sunday.
This is me...
Viking Elmer Fudd
With my trusty Spear and Magic Helmet, I was apparently able to finally "kill the wabbit."
Yes, it was hot in that suit in June... that's ok, sacrifices must be made for the art. Laugh-snort!
Below is a quick recap video of Fan Expo Dallas, Donna shows up twice during the cosplay section starting around 2:15.
We will see you again next year Fan Expo!
Fan Expo Dallas 2023 - Masters Of Cosplay
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