Have you ever been driving down the highway and you get a little mad because some driver is tailgating you from behind, too close to your car?

I'm sure this has happened numerous times in the lifetime of a driver whether you got tailgated or you were the one doing the tailgating. The fact of the matter it is illegal in all areas of the United States, according to Motor Biscuit. Riding too close behind someone's car not only endangers them but also endangers your life as well whether you are doing it intentionally or just don't realize you are doing it.

According to Arkansas law:

"The driver of a motor vehicle shall not follow another vehicle more closely than is reasonable and prudent, having regard for the speed of vehicles and the traffic upon and the condition of the highway."

The recommended distance to be safe is 3-4 seconds keeping at least a car's length between the driver and you, according to most insurance companies. The reason is simple if you hit the car in front of you in most cases it's going to be your fault. If you have liability insurance this should help pay for the damages or injuries you cause to the vehicle you ram but it's not a good practice. And if you did something stupid to cause the accident you could be in serious trouble especially if they're were witnesses who saw the accident.


Road Rage

Tailgating is considered a form of road rage and is the leading cause of the most dangerous traffic accidents that could lead to death or even life-threatening injuries.

Remember, just because you tailgate someone doesn't mean they will speed up they might slow down just to tick you off more. If you are being tailgated there are a few things you can do, first remain calm, let the driver pass, and whatever you do don't slam on your brakes. Also, make sure you are paying attention to the drivers around you for the safety of you and them as well. Getting the finger is better than the alternative.


If someone is tailgating you for a long distance and seems to be following you then you may want to contact local law enforcement officials. Check out these 6 simple ways to deal with a tailgater.

10 Banned Arkansas License Plates in 2023

Here are 10 personalized license plates banned in Arkansas, but they are pretty funny.

Gallery Credit: Lisa Lindsey